

Σάββατο 9 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Joseph Capriati Hospitalised in danger of life After Being Stabbed by his father

The well known disk jockey and producer Joseph Capriati, 33, was wounded by his dad and he is at risk for life in the Caserta medical clinic.


The disk jockey's dad, a 61-year-old with a spotless record, was captured for endeavored murder and brought to prison by the police. The Flying crew of the Caserta Police Headquarters, coordinated by Luigi Ricciardi, intervened.

The DJ went through a fragile pneumothoracic medical procedure by Alberto D'Agostino, head of the Major Trauma Surgery Department of the Sant'Anna and San Sebastiano emergency clinic in Caserta.


The prognosis is still reserved and the youngster is as still at risk of his life. D'Agostino who deals wthe internal and external surgical emergencies of the clinic - showed up with a possibly lethal injury to the chest, profound that influenced the lungs. 

He was additionally exposed to a transfusion. Right now the condition is steady and this gives us trust, but the prognosis is still reserved for at least another 48 hours and is still in danger of life ".


According to an initial reconstruction of the facts, the previous night among father and son a fight would have emerged for useless reasons and afterward deteriorated. 

The contest would have included the disk jockey and furthermore different individuals from the family. The dad would then snatch a kitchen blade, hitting his son in the chest. The police seized the weapon. We hope to get well soon





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